Global Warming Potential


GHG    %Emissions    GWP

CO2             80                1

CH4             10                21

N20              8                 310

HFC             2.1               150-11,700

PFC              0.1              6,500-9,200

S6                 0.2              23,900



While CO2 is the largest by volume, there are many other molecules that are far more damaging to the environment. CH4 or natural gas, has 21 times the heating potential of CO2 and 1-3% of what is consumed in leaked out of networks straight into the environment. HFC’s also have significant global warming potential but with PFC’s are being replaced. From a pareto perspective, that leaves CO2, CH4 (natural gas) and N20 as the three big ticket emissions that need to be reduced.


By Sector Australia


Power Generation (51%)

Electricity Generation (predominantly coal) 35%

Stationary Energy (excluding electricity – predominantly Natural Gas) 16%

Fugitive (predominantly processing of coal, natural gas and oil) 7%

Transport 17%

Agriculture 15%

Manufacturing 6%

Waste / Land Use 4%



From a Pareto analysis perspective the biggest CO2-e emissions come from power. Simply put we need to generate using renewable sources such as sun, wind and hydro and we need to use less, by adopting high efficiency appliances. Next comes transport, which requires a shift to rail and electric vehicles. Agriculture dominates CH4 (from cattle) and N20 (soil) emissions. Less beef, more chicken and calamari would help. Manufacturing has left our shores so is less of an issue while waste and land use round off the budget.





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