Global Warming Data for Australia

Global Warming Potential   GHG    %Emissions    GWP CO2             80                1 CH4             10                21 N20              8                 310 HFC             2.1               150-11,700 PFC              0.1              6,500-9,200 S6                 0.2              23,900 [...]

Global Warming Data for Australia2019-10-14T06:26:00+10:00

Emissions from Conventional Hot Water

According to the official YourHome website 48% of energy used for hot water comes from natural gas and 45% from grid powered electricity (predominantly coal).     Based on the Energy Rating Baseline 93% of Australian homes have either a gas or electric hot water system and will consume in 2020 a total of;     Natural Gas 47.5PJ / year or 13.2*10^9 kWh / year Electricity 35.8PJ / year or 9.9*10^9 kWh / year     According to the  National Greenhouse Account Factors the greenhouse emission factors for natural gas and coal are;     Natural Gas Greenhouse Emissions [...]

Emissions from Conventional Hot Water2019-10-14T06:31:32+10:00

How do I confirm the efficiency claims of the ARK2X0 Heat Pump Hot Water unit?

All approved air source heat pump hot water systems are listed on the Governments Clean Energy Registry. To access the registry click here. Once on the Clean Energy Website select Air Source Heat Pumps models link and download the excel or csv file that lists all approved hot water systems;                                             The downloaded file also lists the number of certificates that can be claimed in each zone. The zones are shown below;     Basically the more certificates the more [...]

How do I confirm the efficiency claims of the ARK2X0 Heat Pump Hot Water unit?2019-10-14T06:37:02+10:00

How to lodge STC and VEEC documentation to ThermalARK

To review the terms and conditions of purchasing your heat pump click here.  If you selected STC Rebate or STC+VEEC Rebate then the rebate has already been deducted from the sales price you paid. To recover this deduction ThermalARK will have to recover the rebate certificates on your behalf. To recover the certificates ThermalARK needs very specific documentation which depends on the installation and location. If you selected STC Rebate then we will require a plumbing certificate, photos of install, personal and plumber details. If you selected STC+VEEC Rebate we will also require an electrical certificate and proof of decommissioning of [...]

How to lodge STC and VEEC documentation to ThermalARK2019-10-11T15:19:14+10:00

Can I claim STC or VEEC certificates?

Sure. When you purchase theARK2X0 unit simply select No Deductions from the sales selection box which is found here.  You will need a fair bit of documentation to support your claim; including electrical and plumbing certificates, proof of purchase, and photos showing the uninstalled and decommissioned unit, photos showing the new installation, and photos of both the old and new plates. Click here for more details on the process and evidence that you will need to collect. If this all sounds too difficult then we recommend that you take advantage of the free service ThermalARK offers to claim these certificates on [...]

Can I claim STC or VEEC certificates?2019-10-13T09:40:03+10:00

What are VEEC certificates?

VEEC certificates are offered by the Victorian government to offset the upfront cost of high efficient energy saving hot water systems. Both the ARK200 and ARK270 qualify for the VEEC rebate scheme as it applies to the replacement of electric element hot water units (it does not apply if your existing unit is gas) in Victoria. The value of the rebate depends on the efficiency of the heat pump which is calculated through certified test labs to relevant Australian standards. Only products that have gone through this rigorous process and meet the high efficiency target qualify for the rebate. Find [...]

What are VEEC certificates?2019-10-14T06:42:00+10:00

What are STC Certificates?

STC certificates are offered by the federal government to offset the upfront cost of high efficient energy saving hot water systems. Both the ARK200 and ARK270 qualify for STC certificates. The value of the rebate depends on the efficiency of the heat pump which is calculated through approved test labs to relevant Australian standards. Only products that have gone through this rigorous process and meet the high efficiency target qualify for this rebate. The rebate applies to all hot water system installations in all states and territories. For further information on STC certificates click here.           [...]

What are STC Certificates?2019-10-13T09:42:52+10:00